Friday, December 22, 2017

Millionaire Marriage Conundrum

After another huge month of Six Figure sales, my girlfriend Angel and I are in the islands,  celebrating and relaxing.

Everyone loves Angel. Not just because of pretty face and double-digit "breasts-to-waist" ratio, but because she's sweet. And she smiles a lot. And she's interested in all kinds of things.

Yep, everyone likes Angel.
Except for Mrs. Defmall.

Most people, at this point, say "Hey, Jackson...if you are so successful why are you such a failure in your relationship." To which I reply Failure? I'm successfully managing TWO relationships right now. That's 2 more than most of you out there."

But seriously...if there's a Mrs. Defmall, why is there an Angel?

It simple - because Mrs. Defmall ISN'T Angel.

Look, life is hard. People get hardened. They get unhappy. They get bitter. They complain a lot. They want to fight a lot. They want to sit and do nothing.

Does that sound like the means to a happy marriage?
Of course not.

If you are a 1% High Achiever like me, you know you want to be surrounded by happy, successful, motivated, ambitious people.

And swimsuit models.
Lots of those.

So WHY Marry?
Because we don't all start off as wildly successful and smart. We start off wildly ambitious and optimistic.  (Don't worry. Life's lessons will wipe that off your face in due time). We really believe we can make others happy, and that they can make us happy. We really believe we can weather all of the storms together.

Then we wake up.

Marriage was invented a few years after man learned to write.
That was back when Humans lived to be about 40 and no one knew that sex was fun even if you WEREN'T trying to make a baby.

Today, people live twice as long.
If you marry someone at the age of are likely going to spend the next 60 years with them.

Newleyweds say "GREAT! That's the POINT"
Yeah...that's because you are newlyweds.

You'll grow.  You'll evolve.
You'll learn new things.
You'll want new toys.

Maybe your partner won't.

And men, this isn't just a "great to be a man" thing.
Women are not barefoot and in the kitchen anymore.
THEY have interests too.
And a smart phone.
And social media.
Maybe even...Tinder.

We grow and we evolve, so we cant all grow and evolve the exact same way at the exact same time.

Remember when you were little and it was exciting to go to Burger King?
Some of you STILL like Burger King.
Some of you prefer a steak
Some of your became a vegetarian
(or a vegan...whatever the hell that is....)

Point is, you are going to live well past 40. 
The idea of never touching another member of the opposite sex for the next 45 years should scare the hell out of you.

Will Angel last forever. Certainly not.
At some point SHE will evolve. She'll stop wearing make up, she'll stop eating right, she won't want sex anymore. She'll start complaining.

That's why every great business man has an Exit Strategy.

Mrs. Defmall doesn't like it, but deep down inside she understands.
She still gets 50% of everything this multi-millionaire makes. The kids are still spoiled rotten.

And somewhere deep in her heart she fantasizes about sitting on a beach with someone just as angry and uninspired as she is.

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