Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Energy Drinks...Kicking Soda's Ass

I'm still drinking Soda and loving every moment of it.

Energy drinks are still taking the market by storm...the market is up over 35% based on some reports I've read recently.

However, I'm too cheap and too hyper to begin with to drink Energy drinks. If you've met me, you know i have a bundle of all-natural energy. If they can can me, I'd be the highest caffinated, highest sugar-content product on the market. (I'd probably taste lousy, though). Don't misunderstand me...I don't take in much caffeine and sugar other than my Soda and Chocolate fixes...I'm just naturally wound up.

What really amazed me today is that there are HUNDREDS of energy drinks out there, and more coming out each week! So other than drinking a Red Bull because your co-worker does (or because it tasted good mixed with Vodka at that last Frat Part you went to...!) how do you know which ones to drink?

Today, I'll share with you some websites I've found that rate Energy Drinks.
Take their advice with your own discretion. Remember, I haven't drunk one yet...

Screaming Energy has a VERY cool web page. The number of cans they show is almost scary!

Energy Drinks Rating has been around since April of 2006, and it's also a supported site.

Energy Drinks Review was last updated LAST month, and they seem to be in a state of transition...but they are worth checking out just so you get a well rounded opinion.

Here's another blog called Energy Drink Reviews. You EDR-ers are gonna have to fight it out on your own for ownership of the name. Personally, I'm diggin' the black background on this blog.

OK, if these 4 sites can't help you wade through the ocean of Energy Drinks out there, then you need to go the route I go and suck down a Mountain Dew for sugar (See it glow in the dark HERE), a Pepsi for contemporary taste, or a Coca Cola for a dose of nostalgia.

Also remember to visit for all things soda.

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