Friday, November 28, 2008

Axl Rose uses a Lawyer to attack a Dr. (Pepper)

Guns N' Roses' Chinese Democracy is in stores. Did you get a free Dr. Pepper?

Despite an earlier post about Dr. Pepper offering a free soda to every American interested if the new GNR album debuted in 2008, front man Axl Rose is complaining that the give away did not go smoothly...and has sent his lawyer after the soda maker to make good.

You can read about the exchange of words here.
In short, the website that was supposed to fill orders for Free Dr. Peppers was 'down' often, due to the incredible response. Axl would have you believe that he is distressed for all of those who did not receive their free soda.

What a humanitarian, right?

Axl has showed up to his concerts HOURS late in the past, and several times has walked off stage before a show was complete. Did he immediately petition that is ticket-buying fans be compensated for their fraction of a show? No. Did he insist on refunds for all unsatisfied guests? No.

Dr. Pepper's inability to fulfill every American's wish for a free soda is inadvertently giving Axl Rose an opportunity to let his Lawyer do what Lawyer do best - seek out and bring in some cash. (in legalese, that's called 'seeking reparations'.)

It will be interesting to see how far Axl goes with the tirade, and how far Dr. Pepper will cave.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Andy Warhol and Coca Cola revisited

You may...or may surprised to know how popular my post on Andy Warhol's Coca Cola art has been. When originally posted back in the Summer, I never expected that it would fast become one of my most popular pages.

Do people still dig Any Warhol?

Do people still DIGG Andy Warhol?

The Andy Warhol museum website hosts a 'store'...but any search for Coke, Coca Cola, Soda or Coke bottles turns up nothing. (Well, that's not completely true. Searching "Coca Cola" turns up a BOOK about his artwork. I guess they mention the Coke Bottles somewhere in there.)

You can buy an Outlet Cover of the '3 Coke Bottles' if you click here. Who'da thought?!

Have you seen the Andy Mouse New Coke Banner? It's designed to be a tribute to Warhol and Coke. You can quickly see the Warholism in it...

And, no thanks to any of you (snicker!) I found that if you go to Google and type "Andy Warhol Coke"...but you omit the quotation marks! WILL see the '100 Coke Bottles' print. You'll also see a 6 bottle print. SIX bottles?! That's gotta be a fake...

Don't forget to visit Coke vs. Pepsi:

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sushi Soda Reunion

Would you like a Coke-with-no-ice or a Sprite?

You might recall that back at the end of April I got together with 2 friends from High school. One of which I hadn't seen in about 20 years. It was a great reunion and a great opportunity to drink so REALLY large Pepsis. Or were they Cokes? Hell, I always order them as a Coke-with-no-ice and I let the waitress (or waiter!) bring whatever they've got.

THAT reunion was held at Bennigan's...but they aren't around anymore.
In fact, I was saddened that they closed down the one we met at only 7 months earlier...

So instead, we met at an AWESOME Sushi buffet.
You read that right...all-you-can-eat fresh Sushi.
(I watched them make it...)

Full of Sushi?
Well, there was a 'hot bar' with all KINDS of cooked food.
All kinds of shrimp...all kinds of chicken...
(and of COURSE, the obligatory bowl of King Crab legs. That stuff is too much work for me to enjoy...)

The conversation was what you'd expect from a group of guys:
Gory Movies
Pro Wrestling
Heavy Metal music (we're almost 40)
the hot girls sitting at table 7...and their dorky girlfriends
Getting Engaged
Getting caught looking at the hot girls at table 7
Buying furniture (or NOT buying furniture, as the case was...)
How good the food was
How uncool it it to put sushi AND dessert on the same plate. (Rudy, please!)
The hot girl at table 9 with the big lips (FAKE!)
Who found the restaurant first, and how, and with who (well, SOMEONE had to find it!)
The really weird hand dyer in the Men's bathroom.

Here's the BEST part: we ate 3 plate fulls of food...1 plate full of dessert...drank as much soda as we could (JC drinks Iced Team. Excuuuuuuuuse me!)...and it costs us less than $40.00 each.

You read that right.

Soda IS good.
Reunions are just as good.
Reunions at inexpensive, high quality Sushi places are best.

Thanks Fellas!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Get a Free Dr. Pepper and thank Guns N' Roses!

Get a Free Dr. Pepper?! I have to thank Guns N' Roses for the soda?!
What does all of this have to do with the Government of China?!??!

It appears that Dr. Pepper lost a bet (well...made an offer they cannot refuse) and now have to start offering free sodas to the citizens of the USA. This all has to do with GNR's release of their new album "Chinese Democracy".

You can read an article on the soda slinging here.

You can read about the Dr. Pepper Museum here. I wonder if the museum will now carry the new album...?

You read about MORE Dr. Pepper products here. Not all of them are free.

Don't forget to visit Coke vs. Pepsi!
That soda site rocks!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Cola

I would be remiss, after touting McCain cola and Obama cola for all of these months, to not offer some sort of congradulations to the Obama camp.

I am absolutely not a fan of his party or his politics...but he worked hard and did it with grace and class. It's a helluva lot more than you can say about many other politicians, and I am certain that this election in no way diminishes the great work that John McCain has done for this Nation over the years.

Personally, and contrary to many other's opinions, I think Sarah Palin's stock went up 120% during the last 3 months...and I look forward to seeing how her career evolves. Perhaps she and Elizabeth Hasselbeck can offer a conservative-sided, easy-on-the-ears, easy-on-the-eyes alternative to Barbara Walter's 'The View'.

So, go out and pour yourself a Coke or a Pepsi, a Dr. Pepper or a Mountian Dew...and either drink a toast to your new president or pour some out in the gutter for your fallen party.