Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Obama Cola

I would be remiss, after touting McCain cola and Obama cola for all of these months, to not offer some sort of congradulations to the Obama camp.

I am absolutely not a fan of his party or his politics...but he worked hard and did it with grace and class. It's a helluva lot more than you can say about many other politicians, and I am certain that this election in no way diminishes the great work that John McCain has done for this Nation over the years.

Personally, and contrary to many other's opinions, I think Sarah Palin's stock went up 120% during the last 3 months...and I look forward to seeing how her career evolves. Perhaps she and Elizabeth Hasselbeck can offer a conservative-sided, easy-on-the-ears, easy-on-the-eyes alternative to Barbara Walter's 'The View'.

So, go out and pour yourself a Coke or a Pepsi, a Dr. Pepper or a Mountian Dew...and either drink a toast to your new president or pour some out in the gutter for your fallen party.

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