Monday, May 12, 2008

Kung Fu Cola

Jackie Chan...Bruce Lee...Jet Li...

I honestly don't remember what I was thinking last night when it struck me to blog about Kung Fu and Cola. I remember playing with my son...something Kung Fu related I guess...and it struck me to write about Kung Fu and it's involvement (or lack of) with Cola.

So, even thought I cannot remember what my brilliant, Pulitzer-worthy idea was...why waste the effort? I'm sure it will come back to me if I try hard enough.

With that being said, todya I want you to check out these links:

Angleina Jolie and David Beckham star in a Kung Fu Pepsi commercial here.

Kung Fu Quip writes about the cultural differences of Colas here.

Kung Fu Pepsi Short Anime feature is here. (Takes a moment to load, but it's sorta fun...)

The Legend of Coca Cola - Kung Fu! is a cool You Tube vid.

The very enjoyable Jackie Chan Diet Pepsi commercial is seen here.

The Kung Fu Drink Recepie features 7 ounces of Coca Cola and only 2 other ingredients. Still, I think you should only try this if you are a Black Belt at drinking...

Ok, cheeck THIS out - a Pepsi commercial featuring Chinese Boy Band 'F4'.

Here's a You Tube vid called Kung Fu Cola...but I don't get the connection. Maybe it's me.

So, in all, there are plenty of Kung Fu Cola-related pieces of interest out there in cyberspace...but why look for them? You can always come here (or to to find them!

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